By Hydrosimulatics INC  

Pumping Near A Constant Head Boundary 
When a Confined aquifer is bounded on one side by a straight constant head boundary, drawdown due to pumping will be less near the boundary (See Figure 1). 


Develop a MAGNET model that can reproduce the above analytical solution by applying the MAGNET model to the following specific situation. Make sure to compare the numerical result with the analytical solution.

MAGNET/Modeling Hints

  • Use 'Synthetic Mode' to set up your flow model ( 'Other Tools' > 'Utilities' > 'Go to Synthetic Case Area'). The default model domain for synthetic mode is identical to the domain depicted in the figure above. 
  • Use the ‘Distance Display’ capabilities when editing geometric features and/or the ‘Ruler’ tool to properly represent distances between model features.
  • Conceptualize the model as 1-layer, confined aquifer.
  • Use the given input data parameterize your flow model.